
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Birthday Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, December 31, 2010

Our Favorite Things - 2 months

Fisher Price Soothe and Glow Seahorse

Love this! It was a gift from my sister in law as recommended by a friend of hers and has been a Godsend. It has become part of our bedtime routine, and works pretty much every time.

It's belly lights up with a soft yellow glow (helpful for finding lost pacifiers before he falls asleep, too) and plays 5 minutes of different sleepy lullabies. They go slower and slower and the light fades away.

I can honestly say that it has become a cue for him that it's bed time (we don't use it during naps) and it helps him chill. There have been only a few times that I've had to play it more than once.


I have seen babies with these in the past and thought it was the stupidest thing ever.  Boy, was I wrong. 

Best. Invention.  I could kiss whoever thought of this.

Basically, it's purpose has nothing to do with being cute (although they are cute).  It helps to keep the pacifier in the baby's mouth so they don't lose it every 2 point 5 seconds and start crying.  I refer to a previous post about how it is very frustrating to have to stand right next to the baby as he's about to fall asleep and continue to pop the pacifier back in his mouth for fear of a screaming, angry, crying baby.

Ashley and my thoughtful cousin Heather pointed these out to me.  It is pricey at 9.99 (I know for 1 pacifier, a little outrageous) but worth it in the end.  I'm already thinking of buying another one for the babysitter's house.

Crib Mobile

I couldn't understand why people spent so much money on a crib mobile - they even have those ones that run on batteries and cost a whopping 50 bucks.  I just didn't get it.

I take it back. 

How can anyone live without a crib mobile?!

I found one on clearance (not the one in the picture) and Ezra is mesmerized by it every time he sees it.  He could watch those animals go round and round endlessly.  He kicks his little feet to the tune.  It gives me a chance to put away baby clothes, stuff diapers, or even run to the bathroom.

I'm considering saving up for an expensive one - that I don't have to crank every 42 seconds.  And might have a variety of tunes, because, lets face it, how many times can you listen to the same 15 second song without pulling out your hair?

Ezra's Favorite Thing: Himself!!

He would look at himself in this mirror all day if I let him.  He's so vain...

I also have a mirror in his crib and there have been times he's fallen asleep just looking at himself.  It can get him to attempt to roll over too and makes tummy time a little more fun for everyone.

I like this mirror because I can prop it on a table or on the floor next to him and I don't have to mess with velcro.  Also, it doesn't distort his face like a lot of the mirrors on his toys do.  I'm not sure if he likes looking at himself all wonky - but I figure its best for him to get sense of what he actually looks like.


  1. K loves his sea horse. We call him Shelly- original huh. I am going to have to check out that Wubba Nub. Where did you get it? Happy 2011 to your family!!

  2. Check out some second hand stores, you can get one of those wicked expensive mobiles for like $15, just have to find it at the right time :)

  3. @cjdubs - got it at babiesrus, I haven't noticed them at Target, but I haven't been looking

  4. Jack was given a WubbaNub, but he doesn't use the Soothie paci, so he's never used it before. Do you want me to send you ours? We don't need it and someone might as well get use out of it. It's a little yellow ducky. On the top right of my blog there is an email link, shoot me an email with your address and I'll get it in the mail :)


Tell me what you think ;)