J: How old is Miss M going to be?
Me: You never ask a lady her age, it's rude (in a joking manner)
J: Oh yeah, and you never ask them how much they weigh either, right?
Me: Not unless you want to get punched
::insert chuckles::
L: Isn't there something else that you're not supposed to ask a woman?
Me: I'm not sure... (totally trying to change the subject)
S: Yeah there is!! Something about kids.
Me: I don't remember that one...
J: You're not supposed to ask someone how many kids they have? That doesn't seem rude
L: No, it's something else. I remember, you should never ask a woman if she's pregnant, she might just be fat!!
Across the room, my colleague is laughing and I can barely keep it together. Mind you, this is what I look like now
(17 weeks 5 days Disclaimer: it is smaller in the morning, I just got back from dinner at my mother-in-law's and ate far too much):
At least I know they think I'm just fat, lol.
That is pretty funny :) Cute bump too!!